Our doctors conduct a thorough examination to find the source of your pain. X-rays may be taken to further diagnose and referrals made to Orthopedic or Neurological evaluations if needed. Based on the exam findings, we will use the following to help your condition:
Fact #1
Whiplash is one of the most common injuries associated with auto accidents.
Fact #2
Many people assume that since their vehicle isn't damaged, neither is their body. Research shows even low-impact collisions can cause injury and have many variable factors, like age, awareness, body and head position at the time of the impact. Make an appointment with a specialist.
Fact #3
It can take weeks, months and sometimes years for undetected spinal damage to show up as chronic headaches, backaches, stiff neck or even low back pain.
Fact #4
Chiropractic is the "only proven effective treatment" for whiplash, according to the Journal of Orthopedic Medicine.
Fact #5
Your car insurance not only covers damage to your vehicle, but also covers the cost associated with seeking health care needs for your injuries and lost time off work.
For more, go to: https://highlandfamilycare.com/page/AutoAccident.html
In addition to these whiplash injuries, Highland Chiropractic Family Care also treats joint pain, low back pain, mid back pain, shoulder pain, knee pain, headaches, arthritis, migraines, TMJ and sciatica.